We present to you another article from the "Banned Books of the Bible" series. This time, we delve into the mysterious and fascinating Book of Enoch, an ancient text that was once considered part of early Jewish and Christian religious traditions but was later excluded from the official canon. This book tells an incredible story about angels, cosmic rebellion, the birth of giants, and humanity’s corruption, offering insights into a hidden narrative that was once widespread yet later shrouded in mystery. The story of Enoch opens up a world of celestial beings and their interactions with humanity, leading to dramatic consequences that still echo in religious and esoteric traditions today.

1. The Descent of the Watchers
The central narrative of the Book of Enoch begins with a group of angels known as the Watchers. These angels were appointed by God to watch over humanity and ensure that humans continued to follow the path set for them. However, instead of maintaining their divine role, these angels became overwhelmed by the beauty of human women and were tempted to abandon their celestial responsibilities.
The leader of the Watchers, Semjaza, convinces the others to join him in descending to Earth. In this rebellious decision, they choose to forsake their spiritual duties and take human wives for themselves. This moment is critical, as it marks the first transgression in the story:
“And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’” (1 Enoch 6:1-2)
This decision is made collectively, with the Watchers agreeing to share in both the pleasures and the consequences of their actions. They make a pact to bind themselves together, sealing their fate as they descend from the heavens.
2. The Birth of the Nephilim
As the Watchers live among humans, their union with human women produces offspring known as the Nephilim—giants of immense strength and size. These beings, half-angel and half-human, grow to become tyrants, wreaking havoc across the Earth. The Nephilim's insatiable hunger for power and domination causes widespread destruction. They consume vast resources, and as their appetites grow, they begin to turn against humans, even devouring them.
The text describes this catastrophic turn of events:
“And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind.” (1 Enoch 7:2-3)
The Nephilim, embodiments of chaos and excess, represent the result of the Watchers’ rebellion against divine order. Their very existence corrupts the world, and their violence spreads across the land, plunging humanity into suffering.
3. The Watchers Teach Forbidden Knowledge
The Watchers do not merely interfere with the natural order by intermingling with humans; they also share forbidden knowledge that accelerates the corruption of mankind. Each of the Watchers teaches specific arts and skills to humanity—knowledge that humans were never meant to possess. This includes the knowledge of warfare, weapon-making, astrology, enchantments, and the secrets of the heavens.
“And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them... And Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings.” (1 Enoch 8:1-3)
Azazel, one of the most prominent of the fallen angels, is particularly responsible for teaching the art of warfare, introducing the knowledge of metallurgy, and how to make deadly weapons. Other angels reveal the mysteries of magic and the heavens, leading to an unprecedented rise in human knowledge and power. But instead of using this wisdom for good, humanity becomes increasingly violent and corrupt, spiraling into chaos.
4. God’s Judgment and the Role of Enoch
Seeing the Earth filled with violence, bloodshed, and corruption, God decides to intervene. The state of the world has become untenable, and the actions of both the Watchers and the Nephilim have severely disrupted the natural order. In response, God selects Enoch, a righteous man who "walked with God," to act as His messenger.
Enoch, who lives a pure life in contrast to the chaos around him, is chosen to deliver a message of judgment to the fallen Watchers. He is instructed to tell them that their rebellion will not go unpunished. The Watchers are to be cast into the depths of the Earth, bound in chains until the day of their final judgment.
“And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth... and they said to the Lord of the ages: ‘Thou seest what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were in heaven.’” (1 Enoch 9:1-6)
In this celestial meeting, God assigns the archangels with specific tasks. Michael is to bind Semjaza and his fellow Watchers, Raphael is to punish Azazel by casting him into a pit in the desert, and Gabriel is to destroy the Nephilim. Their doom is sealed, as divine retribution begins to unfold.
5. The Punishment of the Watchers
The archangels carry out God’s commands. The fallen Watchers are captured, chained, and imprisoned deep within the Earth, where they will remain in darkness until the day of judgment. The punishment is swift and decisive:
“And the Lord said to Raphael: ‘Bind Azazel hand and foot and cast him into the darkness... and place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there forever.’” (1 Enoch 10:4-6)
The Nephilim, the monstrous offspring of the Watchers, are also wiped out through a divine cataclysm. Some interpretations suggest that the Great Flood—the same flood described in the story of Noah—is unleashed in part to cleanse the Earth of the Nephilim's corruption.
6. Enoch’s Journey and Heavenly Secrets
After delivering the message of doom to the Watchers, Enoch himself is taken on a remarkable journey through the heavens. God grants him visions of the cosmic order, revealing the hidden workings of the universe. Enoch is shown the movements of celestial bodies, the places where souls reside after death, and the mysteries of creation.
Enoch is even shown the future, including the coming of a Messianic figure who will judge the wicked and bring about a new era of righteousness:
“Behold! He comes with ten thousand of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy the ungodly.” (1 Enoch 1:9)
In these visions, Enoch sees the ultimate fate of humanity, the restoration of divine order, and the punishment of the wicked. His role as a seer and prophet cements his place in the heavens, and later traditions even claim that Enoch was transformed into the powerful angel Metatron, acting as a divine scribe and mediator between heaven and earth.
The Book of Enoch offers a rich and detailed story about the fall of divine beings, the corruption of humanity, and the eventual restoration of cosmic balance. It’s a tale of rebellion, forbidden knowledge, and judgment, where angels break divine laws and pay the price for their transgressions. Despite its exclusion from the biblical canon, the Book of Enoch has endured as a critical text in apocryphal literature, influencing religious thought across cultures and centuries.
For those interested in exploring ancient esoteric texts or seeking deeper insights into the unseen forces guiding our world, the Book of Enoch offers a glimpse into the mysteries of the divine.